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Knowledge Shop is excited about running our NCEA Holiday Programme once again at Tawa College. This year we will be offering Level 1 classes in English, maths and science.

Tawa College students at NCEA Level 2 must please book at the Johnsonville Community Centre. 

The programme will be held in the first week of the holidays. We expect places to book fast, so please get in early this year.

Each class is two-hours long and covers a specific Achievement Standard. Students can choose to book for specific Achievement Standards or the programme.

Teachers will revise and explain key areas of the curriculum and provide students with the opportunity of working on exam-related exercises and questions. As each class is limited to a maximum of fifteen students, teachers will have the opportunity of helping students with individual problems. Teachers will also provide exam tips and advise students how to prepare for the exams. On the Thursday, students will work on exam questions with the help of teachers.

We have an excellent group of teachers running the programme at Tawa College who are keen to support students achieve their academic goals, be they Achieved, Merit or Excellence grades.

Please note that this particular programme is reserved for Tawa College students only. Students from other schools should check the other venues.

For a detailed overview of the Tawa College Programme, costs and the booking form, please click the NCEA level 1 link.

Level 2 students must book at the Johnsonville Community Centre. 

Tawa College NCEA 2 - Please book at the Johnsonville Community Centre Venue